• The Department of Professional Learning develops, facilitates, and manages professional learning experiences for administrators, teachers, and support staff throughout Roanoke City Public Schools. By cultivating a community of adult learners, staff are better prepared to support and advance student achievement. Professional Learning includes division-wide professional development days, ongoing opportunities for all staff to participate in personalized learning opportunities, new educator orientation, and program-specific instruction. Examples of events include:

    • Division-wide professional learning: RCPS educators regularly participate in professional learning opportunities that explore the division’s instructional core values, its culture and climate of safety, and content-specific instructional practices.
    • Ongoing professional learning: Courses on a variety of topics, from instruction to well-being, are offered throughout the year to all RCPS employees.
    • New Educator Orientation: The annual two-day orientation welcomes educators new to RCPS and provides a basic overview of the division’s vision and core values.
    • Program-specific training: The Department of Professional Learning also works with outside partners to manage learning opportunities and training for programs in which RCPS participates.
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    • Coordinator of Professional Growth & Partnerships
      Mandy Horsley  
      (540) 853-1088 | mhorsley@rcps.info

      The Professional Learning Department is led by:
      Cari Gates
      Cari Gates
      Executive Director of Professional Learning
      (540) 853-6051 | cgates@rcps.info

      Professional Learning is part of the Human Resources team, which reports to:
      Dominick McKee
      Dominick McKee
      Chief Human Resource Officer
      (540) 853-6114 | dmckee@rcps.inf