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Career & Technology
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Language Arts
Social Studies
Special Education
Physical Education
How to Enroll students
Legal guardian must be present to enroll. If you have a unique situation please call the school to see how we can assist you.
All parents enrolling students to James Madison need the following to enroll:
2 Proofs of Residency*
IEP/504 documentation (if applicable)
If your child is enrolling in Roanoke City Public Schools for the first time parents will also need to provide:
Proof of Birth (ex. Birth certificate)
Health Entrance Form & Immunizations
*Basic proof of residency accepted: one proof must be lease, title, or mortgage statement. The second may be utility/cable bills, Bank or pay stub, W-2, driver’s license, or government issued documentation. If unsure please call and we will verify what is allowed.Records RequestRecords request can be faxed or mailed to James Madison Middle School. Requests can take up to 48 hours to be processed. Records will either be faxed or mailed to the recipient. Parents with students leaving RCPS should notify JMMS of when their last day of school will be and return all checked out materials to the library and clean out lockers prior to leaving.
James Madison Middle School
1160 Overland Dr. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
Main: 540-853-2351
Fax: 540-853-1050
Schedule Change Policy
Students who feel the need for a schedule change must request the change in a letter written by parent/guardian. Changes will be made based on need and availability of classes. Due to grades, at times, changes will need to wait until after a grading period is completed to be changed. There will be times when a schedule change is requested but we are unable to make a change. If this situation happens the student and/or the parent will be notified. -
Work-Based Learning