Welcome back, Fairview PTA families! Thank you for being so supportive last year, and we are looking forward to an exciting 2023-2024 school year with more opportunities and fun community-building events.
NEW THIS YEAR: Fairview would like to have three committees of parents: membership, events, and volunteers. Each committee will need a chair. Could that be you?
If you would like to lead one of our new parent committees, please respond soon, with which position you would like to fill and your contact information to Michelle Christian at Mchristian@rcps.info
Thank you for your support of Fairview’s PTA and we look forward to a great school year.
Our membership drive has begun! Memberhub is now called "Givebacks". At Givebacks, you can join the PTA for $7.00 and learn about fundraisers. Click here to join.
Please join us for our Chik fil a fundraiser.