- Roanoke City Public Schools
- Accounting
Fiscal Services
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Accounting is responsible for RCPS' accounting services, preparation of the annual budget, grant financial management, and support to the schools with their financial management.
Accounting responsible for the maintenance of the financial records of the Roanoke City Public Schools, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). To accomplish this, Accounting will:
- Maintain the division's use of Keystone Financial System.
- Coordinate and oversee the audit of the division's financial records, and produce all required reports, including the year-end annual financial report and the year-end comprehensive annual financial report.
- Produce monthly reports, both internal and external.
- Monitor appropriation units to ensure that division expenditures do not exceed appropriations.
- Identify and process fixed assets for inclusion into the fixed assets inventory.
- Collect the revenues of the division.
- Provide guidance to the School Board, Superintendent, school and central administrators regarding acceptable accounting practices.
Financial Reports
Annual Budgets
The Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) recognized Roanoke City Public Schools with the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) for fiscal year 2023-24. RCPS has received the award for excellence in budget presentation for five years in a row.
Budget Process
The Chief Financial Officer and Accounting Department Staff are responsible for developing the annual General Fund, Food Services Fund, Special Revenue (Grants) Fund, and Capital Fund Budgets. The budget plans for each of these three funds are put together to form the Roanoke City Public Schools Annual Budget, sometimes called the Line Item Budget in reference to the level of detail to which expenditure budgets are displayed. The budget development team uses the following processes to develop the budget annually:
- Develop a General and Food Services Funds Revenue Budget based on estimates of resources available from the Federal Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the City of Roanoke.
- Develop a General and Food Services Funds Expenditure Budget based on the expected impact of intended salary raises, estimated changes to other personnel-related costs such as health insurance and retirement benefits, and input from school division departmental leaders.
- Balance budgeted expenditures to budgeted revenues and any anticipated use of Fund Balance.
- Work with the Chief Operations Officer and the Department for School Plants to develop a Five-Year Capital Plan that outlines the anticipated capital needs of the Division and the resources necessary to fund those needs.
- Develop a single-year Capital Projects Budget.
- Develop a single-year Special Revenue Grants Budget.
- Produce a comprehensive Annual Budget that clearly outlines all budget areas noted above.
Budget Development is the process of preparing and adopting, on an annual basis, a financial plan for the subsequent school year (which begins each July 1). The process begins in December, when preliminary revenue projections are received from the City of Roanoke and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and this first look is shared with the School Board for consideration. A public hearing on the budget is conducted in February to obtain citizen comments prior to the School Board’s approval of a high-level (Categorical) budget. Per City Code and School Board policy, the School Board must approve a Categorical Budget on or before March 14 for forwarding to the City Manager for inclusion in the City budget. After the City of Roanoke approves the City Budget, which takes place on or before May 15, RCPS amends its budget, if needed, to align with final City of Roanoke budgeted figures. The School Board is presented with the detailed budget for approval no later than June 30.
Budget Management is the continued overview of the budget process after adoption of the budget. Virginia School Law 22.1-91 prohibits the over-expenditure of appropriated funds. Grant additions and modifications are submitted to the School Board and City Council for appropriation, and program managers are provided assistance to ensure compliance with all appropriate budgetary principles and procedures.
Director of Accounting ServicesDonna Caldwell, CPS(540) 853-2125 | dcaldwell@rcps.infoAccounting is part of the Fiscal Services team, which reports to:Kathleen JacksonChief Financial Officer(540) 853-1347 | kajackson@rcps.info