Arrival & Dismissal Information
We use our staff parking lot for car rider drop off and pick up. Students may be dropped off between 7:20 and 7:40. They can be picked up between 2:20 and 2:40.
We have a traffic pattern that lessens traffic jams. When dropping off or picking up students; from Oliver turn left onto Oaklawn, right onto Northridge, and right onto Monterey, then pull straight into the staff parking lot at the end of the street. This route is designed to ensure that all students arrive at school in a safe and timely manner and that traffic jams with buses are minimized.

If you choose to park instead of using our car rider line in the parking lot, please assist us by using the crosswalk when crossing the street and walking students to the front doors.
If you would like to wait in the car rider line in our main parking lot and have Monterey staff bring your child to the line, please classify your child as a "car rider". However, if you would like to meet your child at the door, he or she will need to be classified as a "walker". You may pick up walkers at Door #2 at 2:20.
If you need to change your child’s type of transportation please send a note or call the front office before 1:00 so we can complete a change of transportation form.