• Support for Students Experiencing Housing Insecurity

    During the 2024-2025 school year, 548 students experienced homelessness in Roanoke City Public Schools. Through the federal McKinney-Vento Program, RCPS is able to provide support for students and families who are experiencing housing instability.  

    Homelessness can take on many different forms. Some students live in shelters. Others live in hotels or are doubling up with family or friends. Simply put, a student who is experiencing homelessness doesn't have a permanent residence or the stability that comes with a place to call home.

    RCPS is committed to providing support to students experiencing homelessness. We provide programs to assist with and help maintain a successful academic experience for all students.

    Your child can enroll in school even if you have uncertain, temporary housing or no permanent physical address.

    The federal McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who lacks fixed, regular, or adequate housing, such as:

    • Emergency shelters
    • Transitional housing
    • Motels, hotels, campgrounds, etc.
    • Cars, parks, public places, bus/train stations, or abandoned buildings
    • Relatives or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship

    Examples of ways RCPS supports families include:

    • Basic school supplies
    • Winter coats
    • Hats, gloves, mittens, etc.
    • Hygienic items (toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
    • Clothing assistance
    • Welcome Home Basket
    • And more!
  • How to receive help: If you or a student is in need, contact your school for support or RCPS McKinney-Vento Coordinator Malora Horn.

    How to help students: Individuals, organizations, and businesses that wish to support students may make monetary or material donations to the Help the Homeless Fund.

    RCPS McKinney-Vento Coordinator
    Malora Horn
    (540) 400-9787 | mhorn@rcps.info

    The McKinney-Vento Programs is part of the Student Services team, which is led by:
    Haley Poland
    Dr. Hayley Poland
    Assistant Superintendent of Student Success & Support Services  
    (540) 853-1393 | hpoland@rcps.info  

    McKinney-Vento is part of the Academics team, which reports to:

    Dr. Cyndi Williams
    Chief Academic & Accountability Officer
    (540) 853-6113 | cynthiawilliams@rcps.info