- Roanoke City Public Schools
- Gifted Education & Advanced Academics
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The gifted education program identifies gifted students of Roanoke City and provides them with a challenging and enriching educational opportunity.
RCPS' philosophy is that the instructional needs of all students will be met, through a variety of programs, on a daily basis as students progress from kindergarten through 12th grade. The gifted program provides opportunities for students who exhibit aptitude beyond that of their chronological peers in general intellectual or specific academic areas.
Instructional opportunities are based on a child-centered philosophy and emphasize instruction, in both city-wide and site-based programs. In response to the economic and cultural diversity of the population, considerable effort is made to include every child who exhibits the potential for success. Administrators and parents work together to provide services to all academically talented students, regardless of economic status, ethnic origin, gender, or physical disability. It is RCPS' goal to meet the individual educational needs of every student while encouraging a lifelong love of learning.
Pupils Learning Appropriately TOgether (PLATO)
PLATO is an optional center-based program for students in grades 3-5 who need differentiated instruction and who elect this integrated program. Fairview and Highland Park Elementary Schools serve as locations for these centers.
Within the centers, grouping is flexible. The use of small group learning, including cross-grade grouping, allows students to progress according to individual ability. Team teaching and cooperative planning allow for flexible scheduling. In an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect, students are accepted as unique individuals, are taught on whatever level they are performing, and are allowed to succeed at those levels.
PLATO offers a differentiated, inclusive academic program. Students' mastery levels are assessed in order to avoid unnecessary repetition of instructional material. Curriculum is based on "concepts" instead of "content," using broad based themes that can be global in nature and applicable to real-life situations and problems. Curricular enrichment adds areas of learning not normally included and provides for the addition of more difficult or in-depth material on a given subject. Enrichment may also include seminars with guest speakers, experiences out of school relating to units of study, and individual research in areas of special interest.
One of the main goals of the PLATO program is to foster the development of alternative thinking patterns. Students make choices and are allowed to develop alternatives as they assume responsibility for learning and become self-directed.
Students who are identified as gifted yet opt not to transfer to one of the centers, have Differentiated Education Plans created to meet their needs in the regular classroom. Grouping strategies, acceleration options, and instructional modifications are implemented as appropriate for each child with the collaboration of the gifted personnel in the school. -
Additional Information
Download the Continuum of Services outline and the RCPS Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted 2019-2024.
Supervisor of Gifted and Advanced Programs and RtILaura Kellylkelly@rcps.info | (540) 853-1089
The Office of Gifted and Advanced Academic Programs is part of the Instructional team, which reports to:Archie Freeman IIIChief Instructional & Administrative Officer
(540) 853-6113 | afreeman@rcps.info