• Students Rising & Thriving (STAR)

    This summer, RCPS will introduce the STAR Program (Students Thriving and Rising), which will replace our traditional RCPS+ model. This transition aligns with updated state guidelines that require summer academic programs to focus on students with demonstrated academic needs. 

    The STAR Program will be a four-week summer learning opportunity for rising 3rd through 8th grade students on an invitation-only basis. Invitations will be extended based on academic data to ensure students receive targeted support in reading, math, and science.

    While this is a shift from our previous model, our commitment remains the same: providing high-quality, student-centered summer learning opportunities.

    Next Steps

    More details will be shared with invited families as we get closer to summer. For updates and additional information, please check back here or contact your child’s school.

    Staying Safe by Staying Connected athletic camps and summer stock academy will remain open to all students in grades 5-8. These camps will have adjusted dates and times to align with our summer programming schedule. The RCPS summer reading program will also be offered to all students in grades PK-12.


    From Summer 2024: Read "Stargazing," the annual RCPS+ literacy magazine. This contains a collection of writing from middle school students enrolled in RCPS+ during summer 2024.

  • Summer programs are led by:

    Dr. Wendy Durham
    Executive Director of Literacy, Academics, & Targeted School Improvement  
    (540) 853-2090 | wdurham@rcps.info 

    Curriculum and academic departments report to:

    Dr. Cyndi Williams
    Chief Academic & Accountability Officer
    (540) 853-6113 | cynthiawilliams@rcps.info